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  • Ok I think I figured out a solution for you to test. First we need to loop through the while( has_sub_field( 'schede_prodotti' ) ) and prepare the data for furhter use in $ids and $files. Next we use these arrays containing the $post->IDs from the relationship field and the $files from the other fields in the repeater and prepare our data to get out.

    Here is the code:

    <?php if ( get_field( 'schede_prodotti' ) ): ?>
    <table class="product-list simple-list">
            $ids   = array(); // Empty array for the $post->IDs from the relationship fields
            $files = array(); // Empty array for the files from the repeater fields
            while( has_sub_field( 'schede_prodotti' ) ):
                 * Get the IDs
                 * Returns an array of the IDs of the posts
                 * selected using the Relationship field.
                 * @var array
                $id    = get_sub_field( 'relazione_prodotti' );
                $ids[] = $id[0]; // We need the first array of the return value of the relationship field
                 * Get the files
                 * Store the files under the $post->ID from the relationship field
                 * and use the field name for reference.
                 * @var $array
                $files[$id[0]]['scheda_tecnica'] = get_sub_field('scheda_tecnica');
                $files[$id[0]]['scheda_di_sicurezza'] = get_sub_field('scheda_di_sicurezza');
            endwhile; // has_sub_field( 'schede_prodotti' )
            if ( $ids ) : // Check if we have $ids from the posts.
                 * Prepare the get_posts arguments
                 * With the 'orderby' => 'ttile' we accomplish the goal of having the
                 * products ordered by name instead of drag and drop.
                 * @see
                 * @var array
                $args = array(
                    'post__in'  => $ids,        // Use the ids from above
                    'order'     => 'ASC',       // Order
                    'orderby'   => 'title',     // Field to order the posts by
                    'post_type' => 'prodotti'   // The custom post type you use
                 * Query the Posts
                 * @var array
                $posts = get_posts( $args );
                if ( $posts ) : // Check if we have $posts
                    foreach ( $posts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
                            <td class="title">
                                <span><?php the_title(); ?></span>
                                <a href="<?php echo $files[$post->ID]['scheda_tecnica']; ?>" class="notifiche" data-tipo="Scheda Tecnica">Scarica la Scheda Tecnica</a>
                                <a href="<?php echo $files[$post->ID]['scheda_di_sicurezza']; ?>" class="notifiche" data-tipo="Scheda di Sicurezza">Scarica la Scheda di Sicurezza</a>
                    endforeach; // ( $posts as $post )
                endif; // ( $posts )
            endif; // ( $ids )
    <?php endif; // get_field( 'schede_prodotti' ) ?>

    And again I updated the Gist for better readability:

    Let me know if this works now with the sorting of the titles.