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  • Hi @elliot,

    Before I forget to tell you: I have found the solution for my problem, which was actually rather simple 🙂 Found it by looking closely at your documentation.

    It is possible to update all fields on all pages using the options page! I simply had to add the attribute ‘option’ to the fields themselves! Like so:

    <?php the_field('opslogan', 'option'); ?>

    Works like a charm now 🙂

    The only thing I couldn’t find in the docs is how to use this option attribute in a shortcodes field. I’ve tried it like this, but this is not working:

    <img src="[acf field="usp1" "option" post_id="43"]" alt="usp" />

    Also options without quotes, or after a comma doesn’t seem to work.

    Do you have any tips on getting shortcode fields to work with the options pages?

    Thx in advance!