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  • Hi Elliot!

    The developer of the plugin told me to insert the custom field created with Acf in the save_post function of the plugin. Here is the code, can you help me?

    function save_post( $post_id, $post ) {
    		global $wpdb, $ai1ec_events_helper, $ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper;
    		// verify this came from the our screen and with proper authorization,
    		// because save_post can be triggered at other times
    		if( isset( $_POST[AI1EC_POST_TYPE] ) && ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[AI1EC_POST_TYPE], 'ai1ec' ) ) {
    		} else if( ! isset( $_POST[AI1EC_POST_TYPE] ) ) {
    		if( isset( $post->post_status ) && $post->post_status == 'auto-draft' ) {
    		// verify if this is not inline-editing
    		if( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'inline-save' ) {
    		// verify that the post_type is that of an event
    		if( isset( $_POST['post_type'] ) && $_POST['post_type'] != AI1EC_POST_TYPE ) {
    		// LABEL:magicquotes
    		// remove WordPress <code>magical</code> slashes - we work around it ourselves
    		$_POST = stripslashes_deep( $_POST );
    		$all_day          = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_all_day_event'] )    ? 1                                             : 0;
    		$instant_event    = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_instant_event'] )    ? 1                                             : 0;
    		$start_time       = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_start_time'] )       ? $_POST['ai1ec_start_time']                    : '';
    		$end_time         = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_end_time'] )         ? $_POST['ai1ec_end_time']                      : '';
    		$venue            = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_venue'] )            ? $_POST['ai1ec_venue']                         : '';
    		$address          = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_address'] )          ? $_POST['ai1ec_address']                       : '';
    		$compilatore            = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_event_1_nome_e_cognome_compilatore'] )            ? $_POST['ai1ec_event_1_nome_e_cognome_compilatore']                         : '';
    		$city             = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_city'] )             ? $_POST['ai1ec_city']                          : '';
    		$province         = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_province'] )         ? $_POST['ai1ec_province']                      : '';
    		$postal_code      = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_postal_code'] )      ? $_POST['ai1ec_postal_code']                   : '';
    		$country          = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_country'] )          ? $_POST['ai1ec_country']                       : '';
    		$google_map       = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_google_map'] )       ? 1                                             : 0;
    		$cost             = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_cost'] )             ? $_POST['ai1ec_cost']                          : '';
    		$is_free          = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_is_free'] )          ? (bool)$_POST['ai1ec_is_free']                 : false;
    		$ticket_url       = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_ticket_url'] )       ? $_POST['ai1ec_ticket_url']                    : '';
    		$contact_name     = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_contact_name'] )     ? $_POST['ai1ec_contact_name']                  : '';
    		$contact_phone    = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_contact_phone'] )    ? $_POST['ai1ec_contact_phone']                 : '';
    		$contact_email    = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_contact_email'] )    ? $_POST['ai1ec_contact_email']                 : '';
    		$contact_url      = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_contact_url'] )      ? $_POST['ai1ec_contact_url']                   : '';
    		$show_coordinates = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_input_coordinates'] )? 1                                             : 0;
    		$longitude        = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_longitude'] )        ? $_POST['ai1ec_longitude']                     : '';
    		$latitude         = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_latitude'] )         ? $_POST['ai1ec_latitude']                      : '';
    		$post_twitter     = isset( $_POST['ai1ec_oauth_provider_twitter'] )
    			? (bool)$_POST['ai1ec_oauth_provider_twitter']
    			: false;
    		$rrule  = NULL;
    		$exrule = NULL;
    		$exdate = NULL;
    		// if rrule is set, convert it from local to UTC time
    		if( isset( $_POST['ai1ec_repeat'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['ai1ec_repeat'] ) )
    			$rrule = $ai1ec_events_helper->ics_rule_to_gmt( $_POST['ai1ec_rrule'] );
    		// if exrule is set, convert it from local to UTC time
    		if (
    			isset( $_POST['ai1ec_exclude'] ) &&
    			! empty( $_POST['ai1ec_exclude'] ) &&
    			NULL !== $rrule // no point for exclusion, if repetition is not set
    		) {
    			$exrule = $this->_merge_exrule(
    			$exrule = $ai1ec_events_helper->ics_rule_to_gmt( $exrule );
    		// if exdate is set, convert it from local to UTC time
    		if( isset( $_POST['ai1ec_exdate'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['ai1ec_exdate'] ) )
    			$exdate = $ai1ec_events_helper->exception_dates_to_gmt( $_POST['ai1ec_exdate'] );
    		$is_new = false;
    		$event 	= null;
    		try {
    			$event = new Ai1ec_Event( $post_id ? $post_id : null );
    		} catch( Ai1ec_Event_Not_Found $e ) {
    			// Post exists, but event data hasn't been saved yet. Create new event
    			// object.
    			$is_new = true;
    			$event = new Ai1ec_Event();
    			$event->post_id = $post_id;
    		// If the events is marked as instant, make it last 30 minutes
    		if( $instant_event ) {
    			$end_time = $start_time + 1800;
    		$event->start               = $ai1ec_events_helper->local_to_gmt( $start_time );
    		$event->end                 = $ai1ec_events_helper->local_to_gmt( $end_time );
    		$event->allday              = $all_day;
    		$event->instant_event       = $instant_event;
    		$event->venue               = $venue;
    		$event->compilatore         = $compilatore;
    		$event->address             = $address;
    		$event->city                = $city;
    		$event->province            = $province;
    		$event->postal_code         = $postal_code;
    		$event->country             = $country;
    		$event->show_map            = $google_map;
    		$event->cost                = $cost;
    		$event->is_free             = $is_free;
    		$event->ticket_url          = $ticket_url;
    		$event->contact_name        = $contact_name;
    		$event->contact_phone       = $contact_phone;
    		$event->contact_email       = $contact_email;
    		$event->contact_url         = $contact_url;
    		$event->recurrence_rules    = $rrule;
    		$event->exception_rules     = $exrule;
    		$event->exception_dates     = $exdate;
    		$event->show_coordinates    = $show_coordinates;
    		$event->longitude           = trim( $longitude ) !== '' ? (float) $longitude : NULL;
    		$event->latitude            = trim( $latitude ) !== '' ? (float) $latitude : NULL;
    		// if we are not saving a draft, give the event to the plugins. Also do not pass events that are imported from facebook
    		if( $post->post_status !== 'draft' && $event->facebook_status !== Ai1ecFacebookConnectorPlugin::FB_IMPORTED_EVENT ) {
    			$ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper->handle_post_event( $event, 'save' );
    		$saved_post_id = $event->save( ! $is_new );
    		if ( $post_twitter ) {
    			if ( ! add_post_meta(
    			 ) ) {
    		$ai1ec_events_helper->delete_event_cache( $post_id );
    		$ai1ec_events_helper->cache_event( $event );
    		// LABEL:magicquotes
    		// restore <code>magic</code> WordPress quotes to maintain compatibility
    		$_POST = add_magic_quotes( $_POST );
    		return $event;