

Home Forums Add-ons Repeater Field If repeater field has 1 rows, 2 rows etc Reply To: If repeater field has 1 rows, 2 rows etc

  • In your frontend, you’ll have to count number of elements in the repeater field array. So something like this:

    // pre define the allowed columns
    $allowed_classnames = array(
        1 => 'full',
        2 => 'half',
        3 => 'third',
        4 => 'fourth',
        5 => 'fifth',
    // get the count on the repeater field
    // mabye use get_sub_field() instead of get_field() if it's nested
    $number_of_cols = count( get_field( '<repeater>' ) );
    // set a default classname
    $classname_to_use = $allowed_classnames[1];
    // check if the $number_of_cols exist in the predefined classnames
    if ( array_key_exists( $number_of_cols , $allowed_classnames ) ) {
        // set the classname to be used
        $classname_to_use = $allowed_classnames[$number_of_cols];
    while( has_sub_field( '<repeater>' ) ) : ?>
        <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $classname_to_use ); ?>">
            <?php the_sub_field( '<repeater_content>' ); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Please not that I just briefly tested it on a site I’m working on. You’ll have to replace the '<repeater_content>' and '<repeater>' with your actual field names.