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  • Fixed.

    I’ve replaced the above filter with the following from here ->

    add_action('pre_get_posts', 'filter_posts_list');
    function filter_posts_list($query)
        //$pagenow holds the name of the current page being viewed
         global $pagenow;
        //$current_user uses the get_currentuserinfo() method to get the currently logged in user's data
         global $current_user;
         //Shouldn't happen for the admin, but for any role with the edit_posts capability and only on the posts list page, that is edit.php
          if(!current_user_can('administrator') && current_user_can('edit_posts') && ('edit.php' == $pagenow)){
            //global $query's set() method for setting the author as the current user's id
            $query->set('author', $current_user->ID);