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  • Sorry Arcanepsyche, I tried to be as clear as possible.

    You ask what is not working. Well . . . to answer that, the page just comes up with no content at all – just a blank page! so I guess I’ve made a mistake in the coding somewhere & I believe the problem is in the area marked // Start/End of section that doesn’t work – since if I remove that bit of code the page renders but without the link.

    On the other point – interesting that you say I should be using get_sub_field instead of get_field – however, I have just replaced get_field with get_sub_field in the section of code not working (like you suggested) but it still just creates a blank page (see below for code) – As i said before my php coding is basic to say the least and would appreciate any help you can give. Many thanks Phil

    <div class="radioBadges">
    // using normal array
    $rows = get_field('press_badge');
    	echo '<ul id="pressBadgesList" class="pressBadgesList">';
    	foreach($rows as $row)
    		echo '<li>' . '<div class=\'radio_badge_title\'><p>' . $row['press_title_printed'] . '</p></div>' ;
    // Start of section that doesn't work
    		$links = get_sub_field('press_url');
    		if($links) {
    				echo '<' . 'a ' . 'target=' . '\'_blank\'' . 'href=' . $row['press_url']  . '>' 
    				{echo '<' . 'a ' .  'rel=\'lightbox[reviews]\'' . 'href=' . $row['press_image_printed']  . '>' };
    // End of section that doesn't work
    		echo ('<' . 'img src=' . $row['press_image_printed'] . ' width=\'150\'' . 'height=\'150\'' . '>' .'</a>'.'</li>');
    	echo '</ul>';