

Home Forums Add-ons Options Page Discrepancy between documentation/functionality of acf_add_options_sub_page() Reply To: Discrepancy between documentation/functionality of acf_add_options_sub_page()

  • Hi @denny

    Thanks for the feedback. I’ll take a look at the title / menu issue, however I don’t fully comprehend the issue with location rules.

    Perhaps what has happened is this:
    1. You create an options page with default slug
    2. You create a field group and attach it to that options page
    3. You change the options page slug
    4. Now the field group does not appear

    If the above is correct then this is perfectly normal. The location rules are saved to the slug, if you change the slug, it will not find the matching location rule.

    You will need to update the field group location rule to get it working again