

Home Forums Add-ons Flexible Content Field Conditional rules error Reply To: Conditional rules error

  • The php export is:

    	register_field_group(array (
    		'id' => 'acf_long-page',
    		'title' => 'Long page',
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    								'type' => 'title',
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    								'key' => 'field_6',
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    								'name' => 'content',
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    								'name' => 'menu_title',
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    								'default_value' => '',
    								'placeholder' => '',
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    								'append' => '',
    								'formatting' => 'none',
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    						'name' => 'slider',
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    						'min' => '',
    						'max' => '',
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    							array (
    								'key' => 'field_7',
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    								'return_format' => 'object',
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    									0 => 'content_block',
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    									0 => 'all',
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    									0 => 'search',
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    									0 => 'post_type',
    									1 => 'post_title',
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    						'label' => 'Bilde og tekst',
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    							array (
    								'key' => 'field_39',
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    								'type' => 'title',
    								'instructions' => 'overskriften',
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    							array (
    								'key' => 'field_10',
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    								'library' => 'all',
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    								'key' => 'field_51d51c87bf112',
    								'label' => 'Include in menu',
    								'name' => 'include_in_menu',
    								'type' => 'true_false',
    								'instructions' => 'Gjelder for engelsk og tysk side',
    								'column_width' => '',
    								'message' => 'Vis i toppmeny',
    								'default_value' => 0,
    							array (
    								'key' => 'field_51d5463154d85',
    								'label' => 'Menu title',
    								'name' => 'menu_title',
    								'type' => 'text',
    								'instructions' => 'Vil vises i toppmenyen',
    								'column_width' => '',
    								'default_value' => '',
    								'placeholder' => '',
    								'prepend' => '',
    								'append' => '',
    								'formatting' => 'none',
    								'maxlength' => '',
    					array (
    						'label' => 'Galleri/bildemeny',
    						'name' => 'galleri',
    						'display' => 'row',
    						'min' => '',
    						'max' => '',
    						'sub_fields' => array (
    							array (
    								'key' => 'field_14',
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    								'name' => 'bilde_1',
    								'type' => 'image',
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    								'save_format' => 'id',
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    							array (
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    							array (
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    							array (
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    									0 => 'all',
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    								'library' => 'all',
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    							array (
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    							array (
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    							array (
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    			array (
    				array (
    					'param' => 'page_template',
    					'operator' => '==',
    					'value' => 'page-long.php',
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    			'hide_on_screen' => array (
    				0 => 'excerpt',
    				1 => 'discussion',
    				2 => 'comments',
    				3 => 'author',
    				4 => 'format',
    				5 => 'categories',
    				6 => 'tags',
    		'menu_order' => 0,

    I should also note, all content is printed. It just comes after the warning message.