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  • register_post_type($this->slug,
      array('label' => 'Supplemental Content',
           'public' => false,
           'show_ui' => true,
           'show_in_menu' => true,
           'show_in_nav_menus' => false,
           'capability_type' => 'page',
           'hierarchical' => false,
           'rewrite' => false,
           'query_var' => true,
           'exclude_from_search' => true,
           'menu_position' => $this->options['post_type']['menu_position'],
           'supports' => $this->options['post_type']['supports'],
           'labels' => array ('name' => 'Supplimental Content',
                              'singular_name' => 'Page',
                              'menu_name' => 'Supplimental Content',
                              'add_new' => 'Add Page',
                              'add_new_item' => 'Add New Page',
                              'edit' => 'Edit',
                              'edit_item' => 'Edit Page',
                              'new_item' => 'New Page',
                              'view' => NULL,
                              'view_item' => NULL,
                              'search_items' => 'Search Pages',
                              'not_found' => 'No Pages Found',
                              'not_found_in_trash' => 'No Pages Found in Trash'),
           'description' => 'This post type has been added by the plugin 
                            "Supplimental Content". It allows the user to create 
                            content that can be added to archive pages on the site. 
                            For more information read the documentation for the plugin.'));