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  • Hi! I have the same problem. I’m trying to do the exact same thing as ewestlund.

    1. Choose number of columns
    2. Add content to the column

    I’m set up my Repeaters and Flexible Content like this:

    — Column 1 as repeater
    —— image as Flexible
    —— “new layout”
    —— Google maps as Flexible
    —— “new layout”
    —— Wysiwyg editor as Flexible

    —— Column 2 as repeater
    —— image as Flexible
    —— “new layout”
    —— Google maps as Flexible
    —— “new layout”
    —— Wysiwyg editor as Flexible

    — Column 3 as repeater
    —— image as Flexible
    —— “new layout”
    —— Google maps as Flexible
    —— “new layout”
    —— Wysiwyg editor as Flexible

    What happens is that when I try to add a new layout they jump out of the hyrarki, and goes in the same hyraki as my columns, but they are empty. The layouts are not being saved. You can see the result in ewestlund’s attached image. This is happening in both page edit screen and the field group edit screen.
    Is it not possible to do it this way? Do you have any other idea how to accomplish the same thing?

    I love your plugin but this is very frustrating.

    Best regards