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  • Hi @realph

    Flush values:

    The best way is to edit the field and change the field name. Next, access your DB via phpMyAdmin and write some SQL to look for the old field_name and replace it with the new field_name.

    The field name will bi found multiple times in the wp_postmeta table in the meta_name column.

    For each row in the wp_postmeta table, there is a second row containing a ‘reference’ from the value to the field object. This looks like an underscored version.

    So, to change both the field_name and the reference rows, you would write something like this:

    UPDATE wp_postmeta
    SET meta_key = 'new_field_name'
    WHERE meta_key = 'old_field_name';


    UPDATE wp_postmeta
    SET meta_key = '_new_field_name'
    WHERE meta_key = '_old_field_name';

    Hope that helps
