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  • To answer your question, Marco, at last check we were still having the issue but only on one of our sites – we have frozen the ACF version and haven’t had a chance to test again with the latest release, I will try devoting some more troubleshooting time this week or early next week.

    This site also has our largest number of JSON files (Another site has nearly as many but not quite as many), and we do some filtering of field configuration after loading these via JSON using ACF hooks. We use these JSON files pretty deeply in our workflow in a custom plugin, so we’ll give this a test but we’re talking about 30 – 40 required by the theme so this will take us a while to test to narrow things down. We use two add-ons typically as well, and we haven’t been able to localize if it’s an issue with those fields in particular:

    Advanced Taxonomy Selector:
    Image Crop Add-On:

    We’re on Vagrant servers in developemnt where we have control over a range of PHP configuration options – we’ve tried increasing server and PHP memory limits, max number of variables limits, all with no luck.