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  • Answer – the correct formulation is…

          'meta_query' => array(
              'key'     => 'Topic',
              'value'   => "12057",
              'compare' => 'LIKE'

    In full:

        $args = array(
          'taxonomy' => 'event',
          // 'order' => 'ASC',
          'hide_empty' => false,
          'hierarchical' => true,
          // 'parent' => 0,
          'meta_query' => array(
              'key'     => 'Topic',
              'value'   => "12057",
              'compare' => 'LIKE'
        $events = get_terms( $args );

    Specifically, it seems 'compare' => 'LIKE' needs to be present.

    Initially, I had thought the solution was to use double quotes on the value, which I inferred from @hube2’s response to another question.

    But actually it works with single or double. The clincher is the present of 'compare' => 'LIKE'.