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  • Hi @codeview

    You can achieve this by adding in some simple logic to sort the posts into another array which is divided by years like so:

    $years = array();
    if( $posts )
    	foreach( $posts as $post )
    		setup_postdata( $post );
    		// get date
    		$date = date_create( get_field('enddate') );
    		// get year
    		$year = date_format($date,'Y');
    		// create new year if not already exists
    		if( !isset( $years[ $year ]) )
    			$years[ $year ] = array(
    				'title' => 'Events from ' . $year,
    				'posts' => array()
    		// add post to year
    		$years[ $year ]['posts'][] = $post;
    	wp_reset_postdata(); // IMPORTANT - reset the $post object so the rest of the page works correctly
    if( $years )
    	foreach( $years as $year )
    		echo '<h3>' . $year['title'] . '</h3>';
    		if( $year['posts'] )
    			foreach( $year['posts'] as $post )
    				setup_postdata( $post );
    				// get date
    				$date = date_create( get_field('enddate') );
    				echo '<h3><a href="';
    				echo '">';
    				echo '</a></h3>';
    				echo date_format($date,'F d, Y');
    	wp_reset_postdata(); // IMPORTANT - reset the $post object so the rest of the page works correctly