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  • Problem solved

    	//Fetch users and set our boolean to true per default
    	$users = get_sub_field('zobrazit_pre');
    	$show_content = true;
    	if ( !is_user_logged_in() && $users) {
    		//If the visitor isn't logged in and we have users they should not be able to see the content
    		$show_content = false;
    	}elseif( is_user_logged_in() && $users ){
    		//Okay so they're logged in and we have users we need to check against
    		$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    		//assume they should not see it (just in case)
    		$show_content = false;
    		foreach( $users as $user ){
    			//Loop through each user array from the ACF field
    			if( $user['ID'] == $current_user->ID ){
    				//Alright they are in the clear! Lets set our boolean to true and break early!
    				$show_content = true;
    <?php if( $show_content ){ ?>
     //////// content go here
    <?php } ?>