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  • A possibility is to develop an ACF-plugin that implements the new code and you can use it in your fields.

    Anyway, yesterday I noticed a bug in my proposal regarding the value stored in the field. This is the new code:

    class acf_field_select extends acf_field
    	*  __construct
    	*  Set name / label needed for actions / filters
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	function __construct()
    		// vars
    		$this->name = 'select';
    		$this->label = __("Select",'acf');
    		$this->category = __("Choice",'acf');
    		$this->defaults = array(
    			'multiple' 		=>	0,
    			'allow_null' 	=>	0,
    			'choices'		=>	array(),
    			'default_value'	=>	''
    		// do not delete!
        	// extra
    		//add_filter('acf/update_field/type=select', array($this, 'update_field'), 5, 2);
    		add_filter('acf/update_field/type=checkbox', array($this, 'update_field'), 5, 2);
    		add_filter('acf/update_field/type=radio', array($this, 'update_field'), 5, 2);
    	*  create_field()
    	*  Create the HTML interface for your field
    	*  @param	$field - an array holding all the field's data
    	*  @type	action
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	function create_field( $field )
    		// vars
    		$optgroup = false;
    		// determin if choices are grouped (2 levels of array)
    		if( is_array($field['choices']) )
    			foreach( $field['choices'] as $k => $v )
    				if( is_array($v) )
    					$optgroup = true;
    		// Other way to group is using - in the field
    		if (!$optgroup) {
    		// vars
    		$new_choices = array();		
    			// Determine if there are - to group the field
    			$group = false;
    			$choices_group = array();
    			$optgroup_key = "";
    			foreach ($field['choices'] as $k => $v) {
    				if (strpos($v, "-") === 0)
    					// Next elements are optgroup;
    					if ($group) {
    						$choices_group [$optgroup_key] = $new_choices;
    						$new_choices = array();
    						$optgroup_key = $v;
    					} else {
    						// Get ungrouped value from begining of the list
    						foreach ($new_choices as $l=>$w) {
    							$choices_group[$l] = $w;
    						$new_choices= array();
    						$group = true;
    						$optgroup_key = $v;
    				} else {
    					if(strpos($v, ' : ') !== false)
    						$choice = explode(' : ', $v);
    						$new_choices[ trim($choice[0]) ] = trim($choice[1]);
    						// TODO: Change this in desdeelagua
    						$new_choices[ $k ] = trim($v);
    			if ($group) {
    				// End last group
    				$choices_group [$optgroup_key] = $new_choices;
    				$field['choices'] = $choices_group;
    				$optgroup = true;
    		// value must be array
    		if( !is_array($field['value']) )
    			// perhaps this is a default value with new lines in it?
    			if( strpos($field['value'], "\n") !== false )
    				// found multiple lines, explode it
    				$field['value'] = explode("\n", $field['value']);
    				$field['value'] = array( $field['value'] );
    		// trim value
    		$field['value'] = array_map('trim', $field['value']);
    		// multiple select
    		$multiple = '';
    		if( $field['multiple'] )
    			// create a hidden field to allow for no selections
    			echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $field['name'] . '" />';
    			$multiple = ' multiple="multiple" size="5" ';
    			$field['name'] .= '[]';
    		// html
    		echo '<select id="' . $field['id'] . '" class="' . $field['class'] . '" name="' . $field['name'] . '" ' . $multiple . ' >';	
    		// null
    		if( $field['allow_null'] )
    			echo '<option value="null">- ' . __("Select",'acf') . ' -</option>';
    		// loop through values and add them as options
    		if( is_array($field['choices']) )
    			foreach( $field['choices'] as $key => $value )
    				if( $optgroup )
    					// this select is grouped with optgroup
    					if($key != '') echo '<optgroup label="'.$key.'">';
    					if( is_array($value) )
    						foreach($value as $id => $label)
    							$selected = in_array($id, $field['value']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    							echo '<option value="'.$id.'" '.$selected.'>'.$label.'</option>';
    					if($key != '') echo '</optgroup>';
    					$selected = in_array($key, $field['value']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    					echo '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>';
    		echo '</select>';
    	*  create_options()
    	*  Create extra options for your field. This is rendered when editing a field.
    	*  The value of $field['name'] can be used (like bellow) to save extra data to the $field
    	*  @type	action
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	*  @param	$field	- an array holding all the field's data
    	function create_options( $field )
    		$key = $field['name'];
    		// implode choices so they work in a textarea
    		if( is_array($field['choices']) )
    			foreach( $field['choices'] as $k => $v )
    				$field['choices'][ $k ] = $k . ' : ' . $v;
    			$field['choices'] = implode("\n", $field['choices']);
    <tr class="field_option field_option_<?php echo $this->name; ?>">
    	<td class="label">
    		<label for=""><?php _e("Choices",'acf'); ?></label>
    		<p><?php _e("Enter each choice on a new line.",'acf'); ?></p>
    		<p><?php _e("For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:",'acf'); ?></p>
    		<p><?php _e("red : Red",'acf'); ?><br /><?php _e("blue : Blue",'acf'); ?></p>
    		do_action('acf/create_field', array(
    			'type'	=>	'textarea',
    			'class' => 	'textarea field_option-choices',
    			'name'	=>	'fields['.$key.'][choices]',
    			'value'	=>	$field['choices'],
    <tr class="field_option field_option_<?php echo $this->name; ?>">
    	<td class="label">
    		<label><?php _e("Default Value",'acf'); ?></label>
    		<p class="description"><?php _e("Enter each default value on a new line",'acf'); ?></p>
    		do_action('acf/create_field', array(
    			'type'	=>	'textarea',
    			'name'	=>	'fields['.$key.'][default_value]',
    			'value'	=>	$field['default_value'],
    <tr class="field_option field_option_<?php echo $this->name; ?>">
    	<td class="label">
    		<label><?php _e("Allow Null?",'acf'); ?></label>
    		do_action('acf/create_field', array(
    			'type'	=>	'radio',
    			'name'	=>	'fields['.$key.'][allow_null]',
    			'value'	=>	$field['allow_null'],
    			'choices'	=>	array(
    				1	=>	__("Yes",'acf'),
    				0	=>	__("No",'acf'),
    			'layout'	=>	'horizontal',
    <tr class="field_option field_option_<?php echo $this->name; ?>">
    	<td class="label">
    		<label><?php _e("Select multiple values?",'acf'); ?></label>
    		do_action('acf/create_field', array(
    			'type'	=>	'radio',
    			'name'	=>	'fields['.$key.'][multiple]',
    			'value'	=>	$field['multiple'],
    			'choices'	=>	array(
    				1	=>	__("Yes",'acf'),
    				0	=>	__("No",'acf'),
    			'layout'	=>	'horizontal',
    	*  format_value_for_api()
    	*  This filter is appied to the $value after it is loaded from the db and before it is passed back to the api functions such as the_field
    	*  @type	filter
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	*  @param	$value	- the value which was loaded from the database
    	*  @param	$post_id - the $post_id from which the value was loaded
    	*  @param	$field	- the field array holding all the field options
    	*  @return	$value	- the modified value
    	function format_value_for_api( $value, $post_id, $field )
    		if( $value == 'null' )
    			$value = false;
    		return $value;
    	*  update_field()
    	*  This filter is appied to the $field before it is saved to the database
    	*  @type	filter
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	*  @param	$field - the field array holding all the field options
    	*  @param	$post_id - the field group ID (post_type = acf)
    	*  @return	$field - the modified field
    	function update_field( $field, $post_id )
    		// check if is array. Normal back end edit posts a textarea, but a user might use update_field from the front end
    		if( is_array( $field['choices'] ))
    		    return $field;
    		// vars
    		$new_choices = array();
    		// explode choices from each line
    		if( $field['choices'] )
    			// stripslashes ("")
    			$field['choices'] = stripslashes_deep($field['choices']);
    			if(strpos($field['choices'], "\n") !== false)
    				// found multiple lines, explode it
    				$field['choices'] = explode("\n", $field['choices']);
    				// no multiple lines! 
    				$field['choices'] = array($field['choices']);
    			// key => value
    			foreach($field['choices'] as $choice)
    				if(strpos($choice, ' : ') !== false)
    					$choice = explode(' : ', $choice);
    					$new_choices[ trim($choice[0]) ] = trim($choice[1]);
    					$new_choices[ trim($choice) ] = trim($choice);
    		// update choices
    		$field['choices'] = $new_choices;
    		return $field;
    new acf_field_select();