

Home Forums Add-ons Repeater Field A repeater for 'related posts' in flex content field Reply To: A repeater for 'related posts' in flex content field

  • Hi @physalis

    Can you please attach a screenshot to demonstrate what the data input looks like when editing the page/post?

    Your task can be broken into smaller milestones:

    1. Loop through the flexible content rows of data (see docs for examples)
    2. Then, loop through the nested repeater field (see docs for examples)
    3. For each row of the nested repeater field, load the selected post via get_sub_field function.
    4. Use the returned data (either a post, or ID – depending on your settings) to then display the title, link and thumbnail for that post

    Hope that helps.

    Please be sure to post your code if you want me to help you with it.
