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  • Update
    I was able to get the categories to appear by using this code, but I would still like to find a way to group these categories together based on what ACF field (from the Select Field option) was chosen. With this code, it is appearing as:

    ACF Field A
    Woocommerce category name A

    ACF Field B
    Woocommerce cateogry name B

    ACF Field A
    Woocommerce category name C

    Where I would prefer it look like this:

    ACF Field A
    Woocommerce category name A
    Woocommerce category name C

    ACF Field B
    Woocommerce category name B

      $args = array(
        'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
        'hide_empty' => 0
      $c = get_categories($args);
      $c_keep = array();
      foreach($c as  $cat){
        if (get_field('associated_collection', 'category_'.$cat->term_id)) {
          $c_keep[] = $cat; // forgot [] here
      foreach($c_keep as $cat){
        echo '<h1>'.get_field('associated_collection', 'category_'.$cat->term_id).'</h1>';
        echo '<p>'.$cat->name.'</p>';

    Any ideas on what I’m missing?