

Home Forums Bug Reports 5.7 – AJAX validation broken on acf_form() front-end Reply To: 5.7 – AJAX validation broken on acf_form() front-end

  • Hi guys,

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I have narrowed it down a bit. Basically I’m loading the form via AJAX and the built-in ACF AJAX validation doesn’t work on submit.

    Having tested the form without loading it via AJAX (directly on a page), it does work.

    Here’s my the “success” part of the AJAX call:

    success: function(data) {
                if(task_action === 'new_task' || task_action === 'update_task') {
                    // disable scrolling
                    // remove spinner
                    $('.huub__tasks__edit .huub__loading').removeClass('is__loading');
                    // add data
                    * ACF JS API
                    * @see
                    // set datepicker options + prefill values
                    acf.addFilter('date_time_picker_args', function( args, field ){
                        args['hourMin'] = 9;
                        args['hourMax'] = 19;
                        args['stepMinute'] = 15;
                        args['showSecond'] = false;
                        return args;
                    // prefill datepicker values for new tasks
                    acf.addAction('date_time_picker_init', function( field ) {
                        if(task_action === 'new_task' && field.closest("#huub_tasks_add_task").length ) {
                            if(field.closest('.acf-field').data('name') === 'task_start_date')  {
                                display_date = moment(task_start).format('D MMMM YYYY h:mm a');
                                return_date = moment(task_start).format('YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss');
                            } else if(field.closest('.acf-field').data('name') === 'task_end_date') {
                                display_date = moment(task_end).format('D MMMM YYYY h:mm a');
                                return_date = moment(task_end).format('YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss');
                    // IMPORTANT: trigger the 'append' acf.do_action within the ajax success function AFTER you have
                    // added your data (ie. appended your new HTML). Otherwise the JS for datepicker etc won't work
                    acf.doAction('append', $('#huub_tasks_form'));
                    // close button
                    $('span.huub__tasks__form__close').click(function() {
                        $('#huub_tasks_form form').remove();
                // console messages
                if(task_action === 'new_task') {
                    console.log('Add new task');
                } else if(task_action === 'update_task') {
                    console.log('Update task');
                } else if(task_action === 'resize_task') {
                    console.log('Times updated');
                } else if(task_action === 'move_task') {
                    console.log('Task moved');
                // $(document).ajaxStop(function( event, request, settings ) {
                //     // off_radar_id?
                //     if(remote_task_id) {
                //         // remove any previous added projects
                //         $('a.acf-icon.-minus[data-name="remove_item"]').trigger('click');
                //         $('span.acf-rel-item[data-id="'+remote_task_id+'"]').trigger('click');
                //     }
                // });

    As you can see, I have added acf.doAction('append', $('#huub_tasks_form')); after appending the data returned. Everything on the form works fine, even a Relationship field and its AJAX.

    It’s only when submitting it that it takes you to a separate page with the errors instead of validating via AJAX. Having looked at the “Headers” tab in Chrome, I can see that action: acf/validate_save_post isn’t there.

    Is there anything I’m missing after loading the form via AJAX?
