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  • Hey markymark, glad that you got your problem solved. I’m having a similar issue that maybe you can help with.

    So I’ve created a Repeater File Upload with ACF so the admin can upload multiple files to a page.

    My repeater is named “downloads”. My secondary field is called “files”.

    Here is the code I’m using to display the files on my page.

    if( have_rows('downloads') ):
    			    while( have_rows('downloads') ) : the_row();
    			        $value = get_sub_field('files'); ?>
    			        <pre><?php echo $value[3]; ?><br><?php
    			        print_r(array_values($value)); ?></pre>
    			    <?php endwhile;

    the line print_r(array_values($value)); prints the entire array for each file.

    the line echo $value[3] is supposed to echo the name of the file but I get nothing.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful.
