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  • Hi fgenois,

    It seams you have the same issue as explain here. As I told to Dada, you probabely kill the query loop by using setup_postdata(), plus, when you want to get_field in a loop which is in a loop (and again and again) it’s better to call the field with the post ID.

    Try this (same logic as the Dada issue, not functional, only to show the logical path) :

    $args = array(...);
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    	while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    		$query->the_post() ;
    		$query_post_id= get_the_ID();
    		if( have_rows('repeater_you_wan', $query_post_id)) { 
    					while ( have_rows('repeater_you_wan', $query_post_id)) : the_row(); // get row with the query_id to avoid mistake
    						[...] // Write your html
    						$posts_from_repeater = get_sub_field('your_multiple_post_object_subfield');
    						if($posts_from_repeater) {
    							foreach ($posts_from_repeater as $sub_post) { // Where $sub_post is post object
    								$sub_post_id = $sub_post->ID;
    								$my_post_field_data = get_field('my_post_field_data', $sub_post_id);// get field with the query_id to avoid mistake
    								$my_post_title = get_the_title($sub_post); // can get title by post object
    								[...] // Write your html
    								[...] // Write your html
    								[...] // Write your html
    						[...] // Write your html

    PS : when you write code, use the code balise it’s will be easier to read.