

Home Forums Front-end Issues acf_add_local_field_group and using frontend form doesn't work Reply To: acf_add_local_field_group and using frontend form doesn't work

  • Actually, I did work this was being silly I didn’t add the fields I needed to the argument. I looped through my created fields and added the keys into the form

    $fields = new HAELCP_Subscriptions_Acf($this->plugin);
    				$get_fields = $fields->register_fields($subscription->get_id());
    				if ($get_fields){
    					$fields_to_get = array();
    					foreach ($get_fields['fields'] as $key => $field){
    							$fields_to_get[] = $field['key'];
    					'post_id'	=> $subscription->get_id(),
    					'field_groups' => array($subscription->get_id()),
    					'fields' => $fields_to_get