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  • Hi @spaced_monkey

    Thanks for the reply, and for calling me out on this.

    I agree with you, and am also frustrated that I haven’t solved this yet.
    The good news is that I have been collecting information from a few support tickets on this same subject and have plans to fix this as soon as possible.

    This year has been a big one, and I haven’t been able to tick off all the to-do’s on my list. This issue effects both the free and PRO users, so please don’t think this has anything to do with finances.

    Right now, I am dedicating all my time to Gutenberg related work and trying my hardest in all areas to make sure that WordPress continues to function as a flexible and reliable CMS.

    The issue itself is quite simple. I had made use of the $found parameter in wp_cache_get() as per the documentation (, but it turns out that some object caching does not respect/modify this parameter.

    I’m happy to simplify my code and will do so after the Guten-dust settles.
    Your help is and will be greatly appreciated. If not already, can you please open up a support ticket here ( and ask for me personally (Elliot) to discuss this object caching issue with? This community forum is a great way for devs to communicate, but is not my primary area to work on bugs.
