

Home Forums General Issues Missing documentation for the Number Field Reply To: Missing documentation for the Number Field

  • Lol! It’s always nice to chat to someone equally pedantic as I am 🙂

    I get that, however the point I am making is that ACF includes a number field, yet there is no reference to this field in the documentation.

    That means when people come here to ACF to try and learn about the field which is available as an option to choose from in the Field Groups, there is nothing to guide them about its use at all.

    The field exists, it should, in my opinion, at least be mentioned, and the information which you have have shared, and which is properly documented in the MDN library and other places, could very easily be added to the information here in the ACF documentation.

    I have subsequently learnt about the restrictions and reasoning behind the logic of how the number field works as I found the information I needed by searching the internet, and one of the resources I found was the MDN article you linked to earlier.

    It is in fact possible to format the numbers in the number field by using php, although whether or not this is a good idea is debatable, and my own conclusion is that it is not a good idea for the reasons outlined in the MDN article.

    The fact remains, that ACF has included the field in the available options, and because it exists it should be documented so that people don’t have to beat around the bush to learn what it is most suitable to be used for.

    None of us know anything until we learn, once we know the answer to the question we gain understanding. I don’t understand why a field provided by the tool I have purchased is completely without any mention in the documentation. It’s an omission.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to chat to me, but I think we are not really talking about the thing from the same perspective.

    Hopefully this conversation will make it easier for others who are as befuddled as I was initially to find the information they are looking for, although it would be preferable if ACF took a moment to just add some information to their docs because the field exists.