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  • Ok dokey, so undertaking the same process.

    Before my update:
    post_id 16095 (Vacancy): field_58c2e0bbb4904
    post_id 15540 (Research Group): field_58b99b4e8da6c

    After my update:
    post_id 16095 (Vacancy): field_58c2e0bbb4904
    post_id 15540 (Research Group): field_58c2e0bbb4904

    After re-updating my admin post:
    post_id 16095 (Vacancy): field_58c2e0bbb4904
    post_id 15540 (Research Group): field_58b99b4e8da6c

    Ok so looking at this. I can see that the field key references are initially different.

    After updating, the field key references change to the same value (my broken post is the value which changes to match the other)

    And then after re-updating my broken post the field key reference for this post updates back to it’s original value.

    Now this would make me think it was an issue with how the fields are registered initially, but surely they must have different keys in order to show the matching values. e.g. show groups on the vacancies admin or vice versa; show vacancies within the groups admin.

    So perhaps it’s an issue with my update_value call? although I followed the documentation for this to reference to the field name.

    e.g. add_filter(‘acf/update_value/name=research_group_vacancies_relationship’, ‘bidirectional_acf_update_value’, 10, 3);