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  • Ok, thank you.

    I came up with a new solution just to count the number of values inside the two arrays:

        add_action('acf/save_post', 'my_project_updated_send_email_custom', 10);
        function my_project_updated_send_email_custom( $post_ID ) {
            /* new and old field value */
            $dokumenteOld = get_field('field_5ba11346c0289', $post->ID);
            $dokumenteNew =  '';
            if (isset($_POST['acf']['field_5ba11346c0289'])) {
                $dokumenteNew = $_POST['acf']['field_5ba11346c0289'];
            /* get elements in array */
            $countOld = count($dokumenteOld);
            $countNew = count($dokumenteNew);

    Now the problem is that both containt the same number of values when i a add a new line in the repeater field (the new count). I also can see the new value in both arrays.

    Sorry, this is the last quesiton i ask i promise. Thank you so much for your help!