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  • I get what you’re trying to do, and I’ll post the code below with how to do it using a flat array but it’s unclear what the_query is or how it relates to Advanced Custom Fields. Until the actual code you’re using is posted the below may be a good starting point for you:

    $image_array = query(); // Whatever you're using to query the images
    // Ensure have an image array to work with
    if( ! empty( $image_array ) ) { 
    	$per_block   = 4;
    	$total_items = count( $image_array );
    	foreach( $image_array as $index => $image_id ) {
    		$nice_index = $index + 1;		// Arrays start at 0 but count and per block start at 1. Calculate once.
    		$start = ( 0 == $index % 4 );	// Calculate if we're at the start
    		$end   = ( $nice_index == $per_block || $nice_index == $total_items );	// Check if we've hit the end
    		// Display Opening Tag
    		if( $start ) {
    			print( '<div class="col-md-3">' );	
    			// Display image by ID
    			wp_get_attachment_image( $image_id, 'full' );
    		// Display Closing Tag
    		if( $end ) {
    			print( '</div>' );
    	} // END Foreach
    } // END Conditional