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  • Thanks @magicstick

    I suspect my naming conventions are conflicting – should the variable be different for each subfield or does the subfield name itself need to be different.

    I think I’m dreading the answer…

    if ( ! post_password_required() ) {
    // check if the flexible content field has rows of data
    if( have_rows('page_content') ):
    	// loop through the rows of data
        while ( have_rows('page_content') ) : the_row();
      //100% row, no padding, for slider
    	if( get_row_layout() == 'fullwidth' ):
    		// check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
    		if( have_rows('fullwidth') ):
    			// loop through the rows of data
    		    while ( have_rows('fullwidth') ) : the_row();
    				$content = get_sub_field('content');
    				$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    				<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    					<?php echo $content; ?>
    			<?php endwhile;
         endif; //END Single Row
    	 //Row with no padding
    		if( get_row_layout() == 'nopad' ):
    			// check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
    			if( have_rows('nopad') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('nopad') ) : the_row();
    					$content = get_sub_field('content');
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container">
    							<div class="padme">
    								<?php echo $content; ?>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END Single Row
    		//SINGLE ROW 
    		if( get_row_layout() == 'single_row' ):
    			// check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
    			if( have_rows('single_row') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('single_row') ) : the_row();
    					$content = get_sub_field('content');
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container padout">
    							<div class="padme">
    								<?php echo $content; ?>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END Single Row
    		  //SINGLE ROW contained
            if( get_row_layout() == 'single_row_small' ):
            // check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
            if( have_rows('single_row_small') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('single_row_small') ) : the_row();
    					$content = get_sub_field('content');
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container-sm padout">
    							<div class="padme">
    								<?php echo $content; ?>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END Single Small
    		// check current row layout
    		if( get_row_layout() == '2_columns_5050' ):
    	      // check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
    			if( have_rows('2_columns_5050') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('2_columns_5050') ) : the_row();
    					$left = get_sub_field('column_left_50');
    					$right = get_sub_field('column_right_50'); 
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container padout">
    							<div class="col-md-6 center-block padme">
    								<?php echo $left; ?>
    							<div class="col-md-6 center-block padme">
    									<?php echo $right; ?>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END 2 columns 5050
    		// check current row layout
            if( get_row_layout() == '2_columns_7030' ):
            // check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
            if( have_rows('2_columns_7030') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('2_columns_7030') ) : the_row();
    					$title = get_sub_field('title');
    					$left = get_sub_field('column_left_70');
    					$right = get_sub_field('column_right_30');
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container padout">
    							<h2 class="text-center"><?php echo $title; ?></h2>
    								<div class="col-md-9 padme">
    									<?php echo $left; ?>
    								<div class="col-md-3 padme">
    									<?php echo $right; ?>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END 2 columns 7030
    		// check current row layout
            if( get_row_layout() == '3_columns' ):
            // check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
            if( have_rows('3_columns') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('3_columns') ) : the_row();
    					$title = get_sub_field('title');
    					$left = get_sub_field('column_left');
    					$middle = get_sub_field('column_middle');
    					$right = get_sub_field('column_right');
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container padout">
    							<h2 class="text-center"><?php echo $title; ?></h2>
    								<div class="col-md-4 padme center-block">
    									<?php echo $left; ?>		
    								<div class="col-md-4 padme center-block">
    									<?php echo $middle; ?>
    								<div class="col-md-4 padme center-block">
    									<?php echo $right; ?>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END 3 columns
    		// check current row layout
            if( get_row_layout() == '4_columns' ):
            // check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
            if( have_rows('4_columns') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('4_columns') ) : the_row();
    					$title = get_sub_field('title');
    					$col1 = get_sub_field('column_1');
    					$col2 = get_sub_field('column_2');
    					$col3 = get_sub_field('column_3');
    					$col4 = get_sub_field('column_4');
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container padout">
    								<h2 class="text-center"><?php echo $title; ?></h2>
    								<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-12 padme center-block">
    									<?php echo $col1; ?>
    								<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-12 padme center-block">
    									<?php echo $col2; ?>
    								<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-12 padme center-block">
    									<?php echo $col3; ?>
    								<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-12 padme center-block">
    									<?php echo $col4; ?>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END 4 columns
    		// check current row layout
            if( get_row_layout() == 'background_image' ):
            // check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
            if( have_rows('background_image') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('background_image') ) : the_row();
    					$bgimage = get_sub_field('image');
    					$caption = get_sub_field('caption'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix">
    						<div class="parallax-sm" data-bs-parallax-bg="true" style="background-image:url(<?php echo($bgimage); ?>);">
    							<h2 class="title text-center"><?php echo $caption; ?></h2>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END 2 columns 7030
    		// check current row layout
            if( get_row_layout() == 'youtube_video' ):
            // check if the nested repeater field has rows of data
            if( have_rows('youtube_video') ):
    				// loop through the rows of data
    			    while ( have_rows('youtube_video') ) : the_row();
    					$embedlink = get_sub_field('embed_link');
    					$info = get_sub_field('info');
    					$colour = get_sub_field('background_colour'); ?>
    					<div class="clearfix <?php echo $colour; ?>">
    						<div class="container">
    							<?php echo $info; ?>
    							<div class='embed-container'>
    								<iframe src='<?php echo $embedlink; ?>' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
    				<?php endwhile;
            endif; //END YouTube
    else :
        // no layouts found