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  • This is the final solution I’ve come up with. I found the function which returns all the local fields, compared them to the field groups I expected in my plugin, then looped through the names, breaking out of the loop on the first match.

    I doubt this will work in most setups, duplicate names are a possibility, you could probably check against the 3rd parameters $post_id for a post type, then the post type against $local->groups and each groups location parameters. #worksForMe

     * Get local field by name
     * @param String $reference 	- Field unique ACF key
     * @param String $field_name 	- Field nice name/slug
     * @return String $reference
    function get_field_by_name( $reference, $field_name ) {
    	$local_fields = acf_local();	// Grab all local fields
    	// Ensure we have local fields to work with
    	// Ensure that reference is empty
    	if( empty( $local_fields ) || ! empty( $reference ) ) {
    		return $reference;
    	// Loop through groups
    	foreach( $local_fields->fields as $key => $field_arr ) {
    			* Ensure the field is in our expected groups.
    			* Removed when not in the context of plugin
    			* $this->field_group_keys = array( 'group_xyz' ) - Holds array of expected local field groups
    		// if( ! in_array( $field_arr['parent'], $this->field_group_keys ) ) {
    		// 	continue;
    		// }
    		// Break the loop on first found match
    		if( $field_name === $field_arr['name'] ) {
    			$reference = $key;
    	return $reference;
    add_filter( 'acf/get_field_reference', 'get_field_by_name', 100, 2 );