

Home Forums ACF PRO Pre-populating post object field no longer works, while other fields do Reply To: Pre-populating post object field no longer works, while other fields do

  • OK – not sure why, but ditching add_post_meta() / update_post_meta() in favour of ACF’s own update_field appears to work fine!

    add_action( 'load-post-new.php', 'wpse8650_post_new' );
    function wpse8650_post_new()
    	add_action( 'wp_insert_post', 'wpse8650_wp_insert_post_default' );
    function wpse8650_wp_insert_post_default( $post_id )
    	if ($_REQUEST["new_post_prefill"] == "yes")
               update_field('type', "Short conversation",  $post_id );
       	   update_field( 'customer', "Imaginary customer name",  $post_id  ); 
    	   update_field('parent_post', 1234,  $post_id ); 