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  • Below are the settings that are listed. I was using var_dump to examine these previously, and didn’t see anything particularly odd, but I’m definitely not the expert on this!

        [key] => field_5ada292c76da5
        [label] => Funbotic Parents
        [name] => funbotic_parents
        [_name] => funbotic_parents
        [type] => textarea
        [order_no] => 0
        [instructions] => These are the parents currently associated with this user.  To alter the user's parents, go to one of these parents' profiles, or any other Customer (to add a new parent.)
        [required] => 0
        [id] => acf-field-funbotic_parents
        [class] => textarea
        [conditional_logic] => Array
                [status] => 0
                [rules] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [field] => null
                                [operator] => ==
                [allorany] => all
        [default_value] => 
        [placeholder] => 
        [maxlength] => 
        [rows] => 
        [formatting] => br
        [field_group] => 4617
        [readonly] => 1

    For the first test you mentioned, “here” is indeed echoed.