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  • // if no image, return null
    if( $image == null )	
    // shorthand for if
    echo $image['alt'] ? $image['alt'] : $image['title'] ? $image['title'] : 'No ALT-Tag';
    // equal
    if( $image['alt'] ) {
    	echo $image['alt'];
    } elseif( $image['title'] ) {
    	echo $image['title'];
    } else {
    	echo 'No ALT-Tag';

    My answer refers to the output of a gallery field from ACF. If you want to use the function for a single image (from ACF), you need to do the following:

    <?php $image = get_field( 'image' ); ?>
    <img src="" alt="<?php image_alt_tag( $image ); ?>" />