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  • It is very likely that you’re creating an infinite loop.

    1) When ACF loads repeater 1 the filter to get the values from field 2 is called
    2) This causes ACF to load repeater 2
    3) When ACF loads repeater 2 the filter to get the values from field 1 is called
    4) This causes ACF to load repeater 1 — loop back to #1

    This can be solved in a couple of ways.

    1) If you are familiar with how ACF stores the values of a repeater you can use the WP function get_option(), this avoids calling ACF functions and eliminates the infinite loop.

    // example of getting repeater values without ACF functions
    $repeater = 'repeater1'; // name of repeater
    $count = intval(get_option('options_'.$repeater)); // gets # rows
    for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
      $value = get_options('options_'.$repeater.'_'.$i.'_sub_field_name';

    2) In each filter, remove the hook for that filter and then replace it so that each filter can only be called oned.

    // example of removing/replacing filter
    function acf_load_uno_field_choices($field1) {
      // remove this filter
      remove_filter('acf/load_field/name=dropdown1', 'acf_load_uno_field_choices');
      // your code to get values here
      // re-add this filter
      add_filter('acf/load_field/name=dropdown1', 'acf_load_uno_field_choices');
      // return field
      return $field1;
    add_filter('acf/load_field/name=dropdown1', 'acf_load_uno_field_choices');