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  • Does anyone know how to get this working with the latest version of the plugin(5.6.8)?

    All the field names and keys are different in the latest version compared to the above solution. I have attempted to substitute and modify the above solution but i don’t have an older version of the plugin to compare the elements with and Im getting a little lost.

    My example is not as complex as @retani , I’m simply trying to copy one flexible layout to another flexible field. The layout Im trying to copy contains a significant amount of fields and being able to copy that layout into existing flexible fields is going to extremely cost and time effective.

    – Flexible Field 1
    — Flexible Layout 1
    – Flexible Field 2
    — Flexible Layout 2


    – Flexible Field 1
    — Flexible Layout 1
    — Flexible Layout 2
    – Flexible Field 2

    Anyone got any ides? or even some pseudocode to assist?