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  • This is an old post, but I wanted to share what I think is a better method for anyone else who winds up here.

    I set the ‘post_id’ value of the acf_form function to ‘new_user’ which isn’t a registered value for this function, but we will get to that. It is worth noting that you can really write anything you want here as we override it later, but I think this communicates the intentions of the form well for anyone reading your code.

    acf_form( array(
    	'id'				=> 'register_new_speaker',
    	'post_id'			=> 'new_user',
    	'field_groups'			=> array(

    Then I hook into ‘acf/pre_save_post’. I intercept the $_POST data being sent to the server, generate a new user using the submitted data, and then dynamically set the ‘post_id’ of the form to the new user ID.

    function generate_new_user_id( $post_id, $form ) {
    	// Check that we are targeting the right form. I do this by checking the acf_form ID.
    	if ( ! isset( $form['id'] ) || 'register_new_speaker' != $form['id'] ) {
    		return $post_id;
    	// Create an empty array to add user field data into
    	$user_fields = array();
    	// Check for the fields we need in our postdata, and add them to the $user_fields array if they exist
    	if ( isset( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d01'] ) ) {
    		$user_fields['first_name'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d01'] );
    	if ( isset( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d15'] ) ) {
    		$user_fields['last_name'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d15'] );
    	if ( isset( $_POST['acf']['field_5a85f62e356bc'] ) ) {
    		$user_fields['user_login'] = sanitize_user( $_POST['acf']['field_5a85f62e356bc'] );
    	if ( isset( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83689da2624'] ) ) {
    		$user_fields['user_email'] = sanitize_email( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83689da2624'] );
    	if ( isset( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d36'] ) ) {
    		$user_fields['user_pass'] = $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d36'];
    	if ( isset( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d01'], $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d15'] ) ) {
    		$user_fields['display_name'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d01'] . ' ' . $_POST['acf']['field_5a83681ec4d15'] );
    	$user_id = wp_insert_user( $user_fields );
    	if ( is_wp_error( $user_id ) ) {
    		// If adding this user failed, deliver an error message. I also do custom JS field validaiton before submit to check for proper email addresses, and to check for duplicate emails/existing usernames. But that code is beyond the scope of this thread
    		wp_die( $user_id->get_error_message() );
    	} else {
    		// Set the 'post_id' to the newly created user_id, including the 'user_' ACF uses to target a user
    		return 'user_' . $user_id;
    add_action( 'acf/pre_save_post', 'generate_new_user_id', 10, 2 );

    From here out the ACF Form will submit like normal, but now it will save all of the custom fields to the newly created user. I like this method better than what is mentioned above, because the data gets saved directly to the ‘right spot’.

    Interesting thing to note: If you neglect to do the second part with the ‘acf/pre_save_post’ filter, ACF will save the data to wp_options (definitely not what you want to happen here).