

Home Forums Add-ons Flexible Content Field Echo all flexible content field names in use on a page? Reply To: Echo all flexible content field names in use on a page?

  • Did you try using get_field_objects()?

    You could use a conditional to grab only Flexible Content fields:

    if ($field['type'] == 'flexible_content') { // not sure if this is correct 
    *  get all custom fields and dump for testing
    $fields = get_field_objects();
    var_dump( $fields ); 
    *  get all custom fields, loop through them and create a label => value markup
    $fields = get_field_objects();
    if( $fields )
    	foreach( $fields as $field_name => $field )
    		echo '<div>';
    			echo '<h3>' . $field['label'] . '</h3>';
    			echo $field['value'];
    		echo '</div>';

    More here:

    Does this help?