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  • Hi guys.
    Here is the working func. Just paste

    YOUR_KEY = google maps API key


    		*  is_ready
    		*  This function will ensure google API is available and return a             boolean for the current status
    		*  @type	function
    		*  @date	19/11/2014
    		*  @since	5.0.9
    		*  @param	n/a
    		*  @return	(boolean)
    		is_ready: function(){ 
    			// reference
    			var self = this;
    			// ready
    			if( this.status == 'ready' ) {
    				return true;
    			// loading
    			if( this.status == 'loading' ) {
    				return false;
    			// no google
    			if( !acf.isset(window, 'google', 'load') ) {
    				// set status
    				self.status = 'loading';
    				// load API
    				$.getScript('', function(){
    					// load maps
    				    google.load('maps', '3', { other_params: 'sensor=false&key=YOUR_KEY&libraries=places', callback: function(){
    				    	// set status
    				    	self.status = 'ready';
    				    	// initialize pending
    				return false;
    			// no maps or places
    			if( !acf.isset(window, 'google', 'maps', 'places') ) {
    				// set status
    				self.status = 'loading';
    				// load maps
    			    google.load('maps', '3', { other_params: 'sensor=false&key=YOUR_KEY&libraries=places', callback: function(){
    			    	// set status
    			    	self.status = 'ready';
    			    	// initialize pending
    				return false;
    			// google must exist already
    			this.status = 'ready';
    			// return
    			return true;
    		initialize_pending: function(){
    			// reference
    			var self = this;
    				self.doFocus( $(this) ).initialize();
    			// reset
    			this.$pending = $();