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  • Ok, I’ve workaround my issue by creating a second shortcode :/

    function taz_embeddedFeatures_shortcode($atts, $content = null){
    	$a = shortcode_atts(array(
    		'id' => null
    		), $atts);
    	return '[taz_features id="' . $a['id'] . '"]';
    add_shortcode('taz_embeddedFeatures', 'taz_embeddedFeatures_shortcode');

    I’ve also reverted back to my original taz_get_field_data function:

    function taz_get_field_data($shortcodeID){
    	if (class_exists('acf')){
    		$layouts = get_field('taz_features', false, true);
    		return $layouts[$shortcodeID - 1];
    	} else {
    		error_log("taz_get_field_data(): ACF Plugin is not available.");
    		return null;

    So now, When I need for instance to insert a taz_features (like a gallery) into another one (like a carousel), I’m writing [taz_embeddedFeatures id=4] into my carousel slide.

    Thank you “Me” ^^