

Home Forums ACF PRO Backend: Use Accordion in Tabs does not work Reply To: Backend: Use Accordion in Tabs does not work

  • Hi guys

    Thanks for the emails,
    Elliot here – ACF dev​​​.

    I appreciate the ​​​​​feedback. I never want to break websites, so I do take this personally.
    I have just pushed a hotfix to avoid the class name change.
    – I have changed ‘acf_field_accordion’ to ‘acf_field__accordion’.​​

    If you would like this fix, please re-download the plugin files.
    ​An easy way to re-download is to edit the main acf.php plugin file and change the version number ‘5.6.6’ down to ‘5.6.5’
    – please note the version number appears twice in this file and both will need to be changed
    – after this change is made, please update the plugin as per normal and it will update to 5.6.6 (including the new fix)​

    As for the accordion and tab conflict. Yes, this isn’t great and I’ll be sure to find a solution for this shortly.
    Hope everything else is going well.​​​
