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  • Hi,
    I had the same problem.
    I made a loop on CPT and in each one I need a post-objet.

    Here is what i made

    <td>Nom/Prénom</td><td>Numéro de téléphone</td><td >email</td><td>Commission</td>
    <?php	while($author_posts_contacts->have_posts()) : $author_posts_contacts->the_post();?>
        	<td> <?php $id_post_origine=get_the_ID();?>//Register the "parent" post id
            <strong><?php the_field('titre_du_post'); ?> <?php the_field('nom_correspondant_festo'); ?></a></strong></br>
    		<?php $post_object = get_field('structure'); if( $post_object ): 	$post = $post_object; setup_postdata( $post );	?>//Call the post object Inside and work with
    (<?php the_title(); ?>)
    <?php $post = $id_post_origine; setup_postdata( $post ); ////Call back the "parent" post datas
    endif; ?>
            <td><?php the_field('numero_de_telephone_correspondant_festo'); ?></td>
            <td><?php the_field('email_correspondant_festo'); ?></td>
            <td><?php $mots_cles = get_field('commission_correspondant_festo');
    		foreach ($mots_cles as $mot_cle):
    		$id_du_mot_cle = get_term( $mot_cle);
    		echo $id_du_mot_cle->name.'</br>';

    I hope this helps.