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  • Hi John

    Thanks for your help, nearly there!

    Im trying to do the continuous loop so I can show the last on the first and first on the last.

    Below is my foreach set up

    <?php foreach( $blocks as $index => $block ) :
    // ACF Vars
    $image		= $block['fb_main_image'];
    $imagePos	= $block['fb_main_image_fp'];
    $title 		= $block['fb_title'];
    $text		= $block['fb_text'];
    $link 		= $block['fb_link'];
    $linkText   = $block['fb_link_text'];
    // Previous row title
    $prevIndex	= $index - 1;
    if( $prevIndex < 0 ) :
    	$prevIndex = count($blocks)-1;
    $previous_row_value = $blocks[$index-1]['fb_title'];
    // Next row title
    $nextIndex	= $index + 1;
    if( $nextIndex >= count($block) ) :
    	$nextIndex = 0;
    $next_row_value = $blocks[$index+1]['fb_title'];

    Im getting an error Undefined offset: -1 for $previous_row_value = $blocks[$index-1]['fb_title']; and Undefined offset: 5 for $next_row_value = $blocks[$index+1]['fb_title'];