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  • I’ve had another look at the ACF WYSIWYG Styling plugin and also the acf docs and made a slight tweak to the code used in that plugin and I’m getting the classes added to my WYSIWYG’s again:

    function acf_plugin_wysiwyg_styling() { ?>
            (function($) {
                acf.add_filter('wysiwyg_tinymce_settings', function(mceInit, id, $field) {
                    var fieldKey = $'key');
                    var fieldName = $'name');
                    var flexContentName = $field.parents('[data-type="flexible_content"]').first().data('name');
                    var layoutName = $field.parents('[data-layout]').first().data('layout');
                    mceInit.body_class += " acf-field-key-" + fieldKey;
                    mceInit.body_class += " acf-field-name-" + fieldName;
                    if (flexContentName) {
                        mceInit.body_class += " acf-flex-name-" + flexContentName;
                    if (layoutName) {
                        mceInit.body_class += " acf-layout-" + layoutName;
                    return mceInit;
    add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'acf_plugin_wysiwyg_styling');