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It seems to look good in terms of no missing/extra brackets/commas, but I do see one potential issue.
First, I can only assume $current has the appropriate data. During testing, you can leave one element out at a time… or hard code otherwise dynamic values.
But.. the issue I see…
When I was building my query… I looked at the existing ACF examples and docs and when using (as suggested):
'key' => 'show_main',
'compare' => '==',
'value' => '1'
.. it didn’t work for me.
But when I changed it to what made more sense to my brain anyway… which was:
'key' => 'show_main',
'compare' => '=',
'value' => TRUE
… then it worked!
That quick change might do it for you. I am not sure if double equals matters… I didn’t see double equals in the WP docs so I used single (which is the default). Note: I do not wrap TRUE in quotes in my example.
Also, my bad on steering you towards get_posts() – it seems to be just a matter of preference in most cases.
I noticed that in your original post you were using get_page() (singular) and I hadn’t heard of it, so I looked it up and saw that it had been deprecated in favour of, as it turns out: get_post() (singular)
Now… I know you can achieve near same results with get_pages() and get_posts() (both plural)… maybe, just maybe, get_pages() is more appropriate for you. I only say that because Pages are hierarchical by nature, and maybe that fact is important to you and your query. I don’t know… but… with that said… with get_page() falling away, perhaps get_pages() will as well. Time will tell.
At any rate, if you decide to jump over to get_pages() you just have to modify your args slightly.
Best of luck with your project!
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