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  • thanks a lot John.
    I have this query to view the postmeta files that do not have any post relation

    SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta pm LEFT JOIN wp_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL

    But the query do not show only the advanced custom fields files.
    On the next query I have added the acf field to select only these fields

    SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta pm LEFT JOIN wp_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL AND pm.meta_key LIKE '%my-custom-field-name%'

    And now I would like to know if the query is correct and i can make the delete query without problems and errors on my wordpress after

    DELETE FROM wp_postmeta pm LEFT JOIN wp_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL AND pm.meta_key LIKE '%my-custom-field-name%'