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  • I have done this for layouts based on a post type, not sure if this will help you at all, and you’d need to work out how to do it for a template

    // the key is the field key for the flex field
    // the priority is set exceedingly high to ensure it runs last
    add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5808cd92035a5', 'remove_layouts', 99);
    function remove_layouts($field) {
      if (!is_admin()) {
        // not on front end
        return $field;
      // this is the part I'm not too sure about
      // you need to check to see if it's where you want to remove the layout
      // then
      if (!$condition) {
        return $field;
      // move current layouts into a var
      $layouts = $field['layouts'];
      // clear layouts
      $field['lahyouts'] = array();
      // list of layouts you don't want to include
      $remove = array('layout_1', 'layout_2', 'etc...');
      foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
        // check
        if (!in_array($layout['name'], $remove)) {
          // keep this layout
          $field['layouts'] = $layout;
      } // end foreach
      return $field;
    } // end function

    I don’t know if it’s possible, but it may be, to add a custom setting to for flex fields for active and then check all flex fields when loading