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  • Good evening,

    I searched as you said I found the solution
    But I have to adapt all my codes as I was otherwise doing for display.

    However, there is one thing I can not do,

    I have a title for my group
    And when my group completes the title is displayed it’s normal

    But I would like that when my group is empty, that the title is not displayed

    echo '<h3 class="uppercase" data-text-color="primary"> MY GROUPE </h3>';

    Can you help me?

    Here is my final code

    	$group_ID = 30117;
    	$fields = array();
    	$fields = apply_filters('acf/field_group/get_fields', $fields, $group_ID);
    	if( $fields )
    	echo '<div class="row">';
    	echo '<div class="product-footer">';
    	echo '<div class="col large-12">';
    	echo '<h3 class="uppercase" data-text-color="primary"> MY GROUPE </h3>';
    	  foreach( $fields as $field_name => $field )
      if ($i % 2 != 0) 
        $rowColor = "#f2f2f2";
        $rowColor = "#ffffff";
    	    $value = get_field( $field['name'] );
    	    if( $value && $value != 'no') {
    	      	echo '<div style="background:' . $rowColor . ';height:35px;width:100%;padding:5px 5px 5px 0px;">';
    			echo '<div style="width:40%;float:left;"><b>'. $field['label'] .'</b></div>';
    			echo '<div style="width:60%;float:left;">' . $value . '</div>';
    			echo '</div>';
    	echo '</div>';
    	echo '</div>';
    	echo '</div>';

    thanks you