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  • You can’t automatically update all the places and posts where previous values are stored. To do this you’d need to do a query to get every post where the value might be, loop through all of the posts, then go through all of the fields where it was selected, test them against the new value and update each individual post where is was saved. Might work on a small site, but this process would likely timeout your save if done on a large scale.

    Rather than generating the value that is selected you should just be selecting a setting and then dynamically generating the value when it needs to be output on the page.

    I know this may completely change the way the site works, and may not be possible.

    for example, generating the field choices

    //ACF Multiple ACF Fields to Populate Column Title Field Width Select Field
    function acf_load_button_choices( $field ) {
      // reset choices
      $field['choices'] = array();
      // if has rows
      if( have_rows('button_options', 'option') ) {
    	  // while has rows
        while( have_rows('button_options', 'option') ) {
          // instantiate row
          $label = get_sub_field('button_template_label');
          // append to choices
          $field['choices'][$label]  = $label;
      // return the field
      return $field;
    add_filter('acf/load_field/name=column_button_options', 'acf_load_button_choices');

    On the page where you want to use it I would do something like this

    // generate available button options
    if( have_rows('button_options', 'option') ) {
      // while has rows
      while( have_rows('button_options', 'option') ) {
        // instantiate row
      $button_background_option = get_sub_field('button_background_color');
        // vars
        $value = "background:" . $button_background_option . ';';
        $label = get_sub_field('button_template_label');
        // append to choices
        $buttons[$label] = $value;

    now where you use the value you could do something like this

    $option = get_field('column_button_options');
    if (isset($button[$option])) {
      echo $button[$option];

    I’m sure there are better ways to do this as well.