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  • So, I had some time to kill and this was interesting, I got to learn something.

    Here is the JS, which takes a different path than some of my other code, basically because it’s a datepicker field and we need to interact with that rather than acf. This needs to be after the script ‘acf-input’ is loaded.

    // set end date from start date  
      var start_date_key = 'field_58ea95e10e001'; // the field key of the start date
      var end_date_key = 'field_58f0f9dd1b228'; // the field key of the end date
      if (typeof(acf) != 'undefined') {
        // add an action for all datepicker fields
        acf.add_action('date_picker_init', function($input, args, $field) {
          // get the field key for this field
          var key = $input.closest('.acf-field').data('key');
          // see if it's the start date field
          if (key == start_date_key) {
            // add action to start date field datepicker
            $input.datepicker().on('input change select', function(e) {
              // get the selected date
              var date = jQuery(this).datepicker('getDate');
              // add 5 days to date
              // set end date
              jQuery('[data-key="'+end_date_key+'"] input.hasDatepicker').datepicker('setDate', date);

    if you put this in a script file then in functions.php add

    add_action('acf/input/admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_date_script');
    function enqueue_date_script() {
      wp_enqueue_script('your-handle', 'src-of-your-script', array('acf-input'));