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  • I just updated the site that started this forum to ACF Pro (3.5 years later!).

    I’m confirming that the code that @joshuaiz has here works. Updated code from my Nov 15, 2015 post above looks like this (different field group id):

    echo '<h3>Rates</h3>';
    $fields = acf_get_fields('48269');
    echo '<ul class="list-unstyled">';
    if( $fields )
      foreach( $fields as $field )
        $value = get_field( $field['name'] );
        if ($field['choices']){
          $map = array(
           'yes' => '<i class="icon-ok"></i>'       
          $value = $map[ $value ];
        } else {
        if( $value && $value != 'no') {
          echo '<li>' . $field['label'] . '&nbsp;' . $value . '</li>';
      echo '</ul>';