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  • hi I’m wondering why code won’t work when I put else if? I’m planning to do it manually since it will only have maximum of 6 items

    <?php $row_html = array();
     while(have_rows('repeater')) {
      $index = get_row_index();
      $row_html[$index] = '<div>';
      $row_html[$index] .= get_sub_field('repeater_sub');
      $row_html[$index] .= '</div>';
    } ?>
    <?php if (($row_html[$index])<=2) {
      echo 'test 2 items';
    } else if (($row_html[$index])<=3) {
      echo 'test 3 items';
    } else {
      echo 'Test';
    } ?> 

    please help. Thank you